Thursday, November 12, 2009

Keeping it together.

Yesterday at an industry function, I was complimented on being very fashionable. I was flattered and appreciated the fact that I've heard it more than once...and it's always followed up by something along the lines of, "You have two small children. How do you get to work looking so put together every day?"

I never really know how to respond. I don't consider myself an overly organized person. I'm not the supermom who makes breakfast every morning and has backpacks lined up at the door, etc. And those mornings I do get up early, it's to run to help clear my head so I'm not a raving lunatic.

Comments like this have caused me to analyze my morning rituals in the hope of realizing that I am one of those incredible women who have it all together and are conquering the world.

But I'm not. I'm pretty average. I need exactly one hour and fifteen minutes in the morning to get myself and my kids out the door. I need to be able to flat iron my hair and change my clothes two or three times. And I need my husband to take my coffee and computer out to my car for me. If these things don't happen, I'm a wreck...if not on the outside, on the inside.

But I do appreciate people thinking that I have my life figured out and organized. The truth is, I like to leave my house feeling put together; it helps me maintain some feeling of youth and not run down by stress and the day to day drama. I do it to help convince myself that I've got it all figured out.


  1. you are a stylish super here mama!!! that's what we love about you!
    ~Katie B.
